Vision Research公司针对130万像素级高速摄像机推出了Miro系列最新产品Phantom® Miro C211。C211采用独特的1280×1024 CMOS传感器,满幅拍摄速率为1800帧/秒,最高拍摄速率可达到67140帧/秒;具有超高灵敏度(可调节;ISO-12232 SAT):12500(黑白);3200(彩色);CineFlash®超大容量存储技术:240G,满足长时间记录的需要;具有模拟(NTSC/PAL)和HD-SDI数字视频输出,可连接模拟和数字监视器实时显示拍摄图像。可通过RCU远程控制器控制像机,而无需将其与PC机相连。
Phantom® Miro C211是一款小巧轻便的科研级高速摄像机。在Phantom®系列高速摄像机中,C211尤其独特,专为小型科学研究提供一定的成像质量。
Fruit DestructionA Phantom Miro C210 captures fine details as fruit is crushed in a weight machine.
Colors in MotionVision Research employees volunteer at a local public school. One experiment taught them about electricity in a fun and color way and was perfect for the Phantom C210J.
Miro C EggsplosionRecorded with a Phantom Miro C110 at 1,000 fps